Smart Moves is the publishing house. It was established in the year 2014 with the aim to providing a platform to the researchers who are eager to make their study a worth for other readers and researchers. Smart Moves also publishes books in both formats, ebooks and print mode. We design covers of the books as per its content and requirement.
Publish a Book with ISBN number
SMART MOVES publisher provides authors an opportunity to publish their book. Smart Moves provide a fast and easy process for publishing a book
We welcome author/authors to publish their book. The scope of publication is a fiction or a non-fiction. We can publish them in both formats either e-book or Print mode or both publications mode simultaneously.
About our services
We will design your cover-page, format book and after author’s approval book will be ordered for final printing.
Manuscript (Thesis/Edited book/Seminar Proceedings) Publication with ISBN.
You publish your book and we will sell it in both formats Print and e-Book.
Your book will be published and distributed internationally all over the world.
An author will get royalty on their book sale.
If you want to publish a book kindly send an inquiry on- mailto:isbn@smartmovesonline.org
Important contents and submission guidelines
Title (not more than 50 words)
Author Affiliation (complete address) along with Photograph
About the Author
List of Definitions & Abbreviations
Book in Chapter wise (Microsoft word format)
Minimum number of pages allowed 70 Pages (both sides)
Maximum number of pages allowed 300 Pages (both sides)
About Book
The book will publish in black and white pages
Page Quality 50-75 gsm
Cover Page:glossy/matte finish
Cover page type “Paper Back”
One Print Certificate
Publication Process Time
Minimum time to publish with ISBN – fifteen working days from the date of Submission
We publish books in all genre whether it is fiction, non-fiction or collection of poems.
Package for ISBN from India is INR 5000 which includes one print copy, one e-book and one print certificate, including courier charges.
Package for ISBN from the USA is USD 200 which includes one print copy, one e-book and one print certificate, including courier charges.
Reach us at 8319185266
The process of printing will start once we will receive the publication fee. We can provide ISBN No within three to five working days after your approval of cover page which will be designed by us and approved by you.
We will take your suggestions while designing the cover page. We will send you the template of the book and you will be requested to paste your book's word content into that. After pasting the word content we expect from author to check the complete book very carefully on the page to page basic and send the MS Word file to us.
We will design it and send back to you for proofreading for your approval/suggestions. Once the author approved the proof, we will start the printing process.
will be done by the publisher but we order book for printing only after your approval.
Printing of book will take minimum 15-30 working days after your final approval of the proofreading.
On all sales by SMART MOVES of paperback and e-book format, SMART MOVES shall pay you a royalty as follows:
We pay our distributor in USA: USD 49 for review. That amount will be paid by us. If the distributor rejects the book we will lose USD 49.
If the distributor accepts your book, they will market and distribute it.
After the book gets sold it the market, they will provide us with royalty (selling of book - distribution cost and refund of book cost).
Payments that SMART MOVES actually receive will be shared between you and SMART MOVES. You/author will get @75% and SMART MOVES will get @ 25% from such sales minus all the cost to distribution, mark-ups for sales with distribution partners, and any taxes, technology fees and return costs etc.
Our organisation will only earn when your book gets a good sale and you will also get the royalty.